Ball Screw

Cnc Drilling Line In Chennai

Z-Reader Probe- The Z-Reader probe is used to map the surface. You can control it manually or programmatically. It is not active during cutting and can be retracted to keep it out of harm's path. You can trigger it to check the surface at each pierce before cutting begins. Or, you could use it to drive the surface mapping of the entire part. It starts with the initialization of the device to the surface at program start. The difference is then accumulated or tracked.

MultMaster can be used as an extension of the Roller Feed measuring system to perform cuts that may otherwise require manual positioning. This accessory simplifies material processing with a Voortman drill/saw tandem system. It automates the processing and reprocessing of small remnant sections.

Let�s compare Twist Drill Bits and Insert Drill bits in the real life fabrication situation. We will just look at one example � 13/16? (22mm), which is typically the most commonly drilled hole diameter.

The Advantage-2 is powered by 25 HP (18.5kW) Siemens spindle motors. It has 3 drill spindles each with 5-station tool changers. This drilling technology is extremely efficient and allows for maximum operating time and excellent drill hole quality.



The Franklin HD145 (3) spindle-cNC drill is 44 inches wide. The HD-145 can lift beams of up to 750 lbs per feet. The high-performance spindle design allows drilling speeds of up to 2000 RPM. The rigid design of the spindle allows for very aggressive feed rates, up to 300 ft per minute. There are many material handling options available for the Franklin HD145, from 300 lbs to 750 pounds per foot.

Voortman created today's CNC beam drill standard using time-tested technology. Advantage-2 processes on average 150 tons of steel per week. Advantage-2 uses the most efficient drilling and milling operations, including tapping, tapping, and countersinking.

Cnc Drill Line

Voortman's Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software is a revolutionary tool that allows users to program CNC faster and more accurately. You can view, modify and export parts information right from the 3D platform. This technology is combined with Voortman CNC technology gives fabricators maximum productivity.

Each of our beam drill line machines have linear guides, central lubrication, and a tool cooling system to ensure smooth operation and lower maintenance. Within each coordinate system there is a 4 station tool changer, allowing it to drill, mill, scribe, counter sink, or tap as needed; tools can even be swapped out mid-operation easily and without disruption. Positive beam positioning consists of an arm attached to a rack and pinion system on the feed conveyor to more accurately position the beam as it goes through the drill line, maintaining .004�, making our steel beam drill lines much more accurate than friction roller machines.

Cnc Drill Line

Cnc Drill Line Haas

The FlexBeam is a newly launched machine tool developed for fast, accurate, and economic production of steel profiles. This machine is an efficient beam processing solution for small to medium-sized fab shops, looking to take on larger jobs.

Peddimat is incredibly simple and intuitive, and takes less than an hour to learn, even if you have never worked on a computer in your life.


The CNC Drill Line not just drills holes in any profile of steel in a fraction the time it takes, but also marks the locations for all your welded attachments.

The CNC Drill Line is designed specifically for fabricators and general job shops that need to put holes in steel profiles of all types. Consider the following questions and determine if this machine fits your needs.

Cnc Drilling Line In Chennai
Cnc Drill Line

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Ocean Avenger Cnc Beam Drill Line Price

Voortman AccuMeasure Roller Feed measurement systems offer saw measurement options. AccuMeasure offers complete handling flexibility while providing a simple CNC solution. The ability to separate a drill from a saw means that neither machine has to wait for the other, maximising production.

"..We have drilled about 25,000 holes since we bought our CNC Drill Line around four months back. We used to need to drill every hole in 5 minutes. It takes us about. 30 seconds per hole = a savings totaling 1875 manhours in just 4 months. This saves us $84,375. This machine will pay for its cost in less that one year. It speeds up our production and frees up floor space to allow for additional jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tempered steel Drill pipe is generally made of tempered steel. Drill pipe sections are usually between 30 and 33 feet in length. This is for cost-saving reasons as well as transport reasons.

Channel would cost less than a similar thickness of square tubing but would last longer because it is channel x2. You could easily make a bolt-together rack with channel by welding flat steel caps (IE top of the uprights).

To resist and redistribute load, beams should bend. The girders on the other side are more rigid as they support the beams and provide horizontal support to the structure. The girder is designed to support large, all-encompassing loads like beam responses or structural pillars.

Alloyed high-speed steel (HSS) is used to make drills. This tool steel can reach temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius, which is possible when cutting e.g. steel and metals. You can use high-speed steel with a higher amount of cobalt (5% or more) as the material hardens.

The two angled segments get compressed and the horizontal segment is loaded with tension. The resulting tensile strength decreases as the angles get more extreme. A thicker beam will resist the bending force of weight more effectively than a thin beam.